Lynette Suchar

About Lynette

I am a certified yoga teacher (15 years) who loves and teaches many different styles and systems. I specialize in restoration. Come to me for restorative yoga, yin yoga, yoga nidra, and more therapeutic forms of yoga. I weave together everything I’ve learned and studied when I teacher - including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Myofascial Release, Pranayama, Reiki, Golden Age Leadership Astrology, Sound Healing, Frequency, and more. Come to me if you want to feel better, activate your voice, sharpen your imagination, learn life tools to raise your frequency, have tools to evolve, and learn live with purpose and passion. Come to me if you want to ignite the fire within, as a teacher or in any area of your life. I am an intuitive teacher and learner who is both strong and calm and will always show up for you in a non-judgemental and authentic way.

If you’re ready to rise, if you’re ready to remember who you are and why you’re here, if you’re ready to ACTIVATE YOUR VOICE, IMAGINATION, STRENGTH, RESTORATION, CREATIVITY, and VIBRATION, join me as we EMPOWER, CREATE, and TRANSFORM.

My dream is to continue creating a collective of souls who, like you, are all choosing to rise in your power, self-love, worthiness, and service.



You have many options to work and learn with me, options that are always evolving. Ongoing yoga classes in person and online, recurring and new programs like Activate Your Voice, Liberate, Illuminate, Nourish & Emerge, as well as trainings like Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra, as well as 1:1 mentorship.

My vision is to see us all rise and my mission is connect with those who are drawn to my energy, my voice, and my journey so we can work together to empower, inspire, and transform.

Lynette is a Divine Lion Goddess.

She is passionate about life and has the ability to dig deep within, always with the desire to live her best life. She is passionate, too, about learning and understanding herself and others.

She is fierce. And brave.
— Sam, yoga teacher